Letoltes The Secret By Rhonda Byrne Pdf Ebook

Letoltes The Secret By Rhonda Byrne Pdf Ebook

Genre : Spirituality ,Books ,Health & Well-Being ,Self Help

The worldwide bestselling phenomenon that has helped millions tap the power of the law that governs all our lives to create—intentionally and effortlessly—a joyful life.

In 2006, a groundbreaking feature-length film revealed the great mystery of the universe—The Secret—and, later that year, Rhonda Byrne followed with a book that became a worldwide bestseller.

Fragments of a Great Secret have been found in the oral traditions, in literature, in religions, and philosophies throughout the centuries. For the first time, all the pieces of The Secret come together in an incredible revelation that will be life-transforming for all who experience it.

In this book, you’ll learn how to use The Secret in every aspect of your life—money, health, relationships, happiness, and in every interaction you have in the world. You’ll begin to understand the hidden, untapped power that’s within you, and this revelation can bring joy to every aspect of your life.

The Secret contains wisdom from modern-day teachers—men and women who have used it to achieve health, wealth, and happiness. By applying the knowledge of The Secret, they bring to light compelling stories of eradicating disease, acquiring massive wealth, overcoming obstacles, and achieving what many would regard as impossible.




πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒI love the book, there’s so much I know now about the power within me, and the universe πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°


This book is life changing!

Ever since reading ‘The Secret’, I do my best to apply what I’ve learned to my every day life. I noticed huge change within my thoughts, feelings, and actions. My overall energy is attracting new frequencies to serve this new version of myself! I am a powerful being and my potential is unlimited.




Randy Delvon DINKINS

How to secret gave me positive energy

I’ve read this book so many times in the past and coming back to it only helps me gain understanding of how to manifest positive formation my existence.


The Secret

So uplifting and so powerful.


This book has changed my life!!

I am so grateful to have found this book in my life. It has changed my life. Can’t wait to learn more about the SECRET.


Amazing book

This book has really opened my eyes to the possibilities πŸ˜ƒ


Best book I ever read!

Best book I ever read , it actually changes lives including mine


Life changing

Empowering must read for every soul.



Changed my life!!! That’s all I can say.😭😭❤️❤️πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌ


Repackage Alger Myth

If a positive mindset/outlook is all it takes to have a “good” life, then there would be no poverty or starvation, racism or sexism. If positivity makes positive things happen, that would also mean negative people would have “bad” lives. They don’t. This is totally bogus and just one more way to blame people who are poor, disabled, or disadvantaged in anyway for their lot in life. If this changed your life, you need to get a life. This isn’t science. This isn’t new. This isn’t profound. This is nothing more than the Alger Myth repackaged from the late 19th century. If you want something life changing, look elsewhere. This is a waste of time and money.



Great book


Changed my lifr

Once you truly accept and understand The Secret, it will work wonders for your life.

Pappa - D

The Secret

I read this book and help me in life changes and it’s hard to explain but if think happy thought and use the stuff say and Meditate happy of a positive nature thought and have faith and believe in yourself, and what you want can come true.


Just sugarcoated with empty words

I do not recommend this book, it just repeat the same concept again and again — Asking the universe for what you want, and believe that you will eventually get it, the final step is to wait the universe give you the feedback and you will receive what you want. It’s like telling you to have faith and belief in a supernatural power (In this case, it is Law of Attraction) based on conviction than scientific evidence. The whole book is not logical, just sugarcoated with empty words and stories.


You Guys Are Idiots

For the people that keep saying that this book is dumb because it’s not true that if you imagine a good life you’ll have a good life , y’all sound dumb as hell and illiterate...this book teaches you about manifestation, learn what that is and then state a opinion...


Changed my life

Try it. It really works!


Great book !

Helps in developing a positive outlook on life.

blonde life is the best life

Best book ever

Literally the best book I have ever read. When you read it you’ll understand that it all makes sense to living your best life possible.



Should have read this long ago. Inspiring, daily changes happening, my entire persona has changed!! Believe and you will achieve. Be loving, grateful, and the master of your own Universe. Can’t wait to watch the movie!


This book changed everything

This book was the first book I read that made me look at my life in a whole different way when I was depressed and thought I could never live a happy life. This book changed everything.


Great book

Met the high expectations, and was well worth it. Great read.


Naysayers heads up

The point of the book is simple, what you think, believe, and embrace come back to you, be it good or bad. Those of you who trash the book missed the point. Being positive in the face of adversity will turn things around. Hard work sure, but hard believing in that work matters.


Thank You

My name is Gregory Allen and this is one if not the best book I’ve ever read! Thank you..


Life changer

This has been something I have live by without knowing. But if I work at what I naturally know then I become that star! Thank you!! I am a example and a reason.



Nhbbb bh

Yesenia Macias

The Secret

this book has alot of truth but its still doesnt get it to the point of freedom the biggest conquest in people is freedom to spend freedom to love n peace but you make your own happiness the universe to give you anything in less you seek seek and you will find knock and the door shallow be open if you say your gonna be rich but no actions are done nothing will happen yes if you push out bad thought you will have a better life but you have put effort for your life to change life is what you make it homie if you sow bad things you get bad things but sometimes things happen for a reason bigger than anything just change your life one good decision at a time you want to be debt free knock one credit card and debt at a time before you know it you will be debt free



Sooooo good

Hussein kassir

Great book

It really helps!!


Fantastic reminders

Love love love! I am grateful!

❤️'n the new me!

Change your thoughts, Change your life!



Wonderful and inspiring

I have read this book twice and I always come back to it for a refresher! It's a wonderful read and very inspiring



Life changing material!


Life changing

This book introduced me to law of attraction which has made my life so much better. Our thoughts are incredibly powerful, more than we realize.

Charles Varga

Book content

It is a tad bit confusing at first until you do some follow-up research. Turns out that a lot of this stuff is used in hypnosis, which can actually bring some change on a subconscious level if you practice it regularly. The book does contain useful information; it just does a bad job of delivering it coherently.



this book is life changing. must-read. great intro to the law of attraction and really helped me understand what it is about. by applying what i learned in the book i have seen my own life improve drastically.


A Must Read

Very powerful book! It works!!


Great book



Great Book

The Best Book I've Read!

No tthanks

Thank you. I believe I will.

It all makes sense.


The Secret

Best book ever!

James Roellig

Life changing.

This book is simply life changing. I've used the secret without even knowing its full effects from books I've read before but reading THIS book puts it all together. I am now unstoppable and life is whatI chose it to be!


Great book to change your life!

This book can change your life if you believe. It has mine and many others whom I know personally. Thank you for this! It's been such a blessing.

Goldstar CD

Love it

I just love it!!!



It is such an inspirational book, regardless of all negative opinions if you're looking to live a more positive life, soak up the knowledge in this book. It's one's perception ! I want to be happier and positive and this book has helped me accomplish my goals and dreams. Call it wishful thinking , but I call it the Law of attraction !


Changed my life

Absolutely great book changed my life



Has a very positive impact. Highly recommended for everyone. Especially teens



Just excellent

Lue Ozuna

Great book!

This book really opened my eyes and woke me up from a deep sleep that I was in. Letting life be dictated to me. Now that I know the Law of Attraction Iv been visualizing and feeling the things I want in my life. Putting myself in that frequency. I recommend this book to anyone who may be going thru a hard time and really try to understate secret


Best book ever!

I feel bad for all the "in the box thinkers" who are bashing this book. This book has helped change my family, friends and my life for the better. I can't tell you how many times I've attracted great things from thinking positive. So to all you nay-Sayers, take your negativity somewhere else. I've read the entire series and believe 100% in this book. Great read!

Letoltes The Secret By Rhonda Byrne Pdf Ebook

Genre : Spirituality ,Books ,Health & Well-Being ,Self Help

The worldwide bestselling phenomenon that has helped millions tap the power of the law that governs all our lives to create—intentionally and effortlessly—a joyful life.

In 2006, a groundbreaking feature-length film revealed the great mystery of the universe—The Secret—and, later that year, Rhonda Byrne followed with a book that became a worldwide bestseller.

Fragments of a Great Secret have been found in the oral traditions, in literature, in religions, and philosophies throughout the centuries. For the first time, all the pieces of The Secret come together in an incredible revelation that will be life-transforming for all who experience it.

In this book, you’ll learn how to use The Secret in every aspect of your life—money, health, relationships, happiness, and in every interaction you have in the world. You’ll begin to understand the hidden, untapped power that’s within you, and this revelation can bring joy to every aspect of your life.

The Secret contains wisdom from modern-day teachers—men and women who have used it to achieve health, wealth, and happiness. By applying the knowledge of The Secret, they bring to light compelling stories of eradicating disease, acquiring massive wealth, overcoming obstacles, and achieving what many would regard as impossible.




πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒI love the book, there’s so much I know now about the power within me, and the universe πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°


This book is life changing!

Ever since reading ‘The Secret’, I do my best to apply what I’ve learned to my every day life. I noticed huge change within my thoughts, feelings, and actions. My overall energy is attracting new frequencies to serve this new version of myself! I am a powerful being and my potential is unlimited.




Randy Delvon DINKINS

How to secret gave me positive energy

I’ve read this book so many times in the past and coming back to it only helps me gain understanding of how to manifest positive formation my existence.


The Secret

So uplifting and so powerful.


This book has changed my life!!

I am so grateful to have found this book in my life. It has changed my life. Can’t wait to learn more about the SECRET.


Amazing book

This book has really opened my eyes to the possibilities πŸ˜ƒ


Best book I ever read!

Best book I ever read , it actually changes lives including mine


Life changing

Empowering must read for every soul.



Changed my life!!! That’s all I can say.😭😭❤️❤️πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌ


Repackage Alger Myth

If a positive mindset/outlook is all it takes to have a “good” life, then there would be no poverty or starvation, racism or sexism. If positivity makes positive things happen, that would also mean negative people would have “bad” lives. They don’t. This is totally bogus and just one more way to blame people who are poor, disabled, or disadvantaged in anyway for their lot in life. If this changed your life, you need to get a life. This isn’t science. This isn’t new. This isn’t profound. This is nothing more than the Alger Myth repackaged from the late 19th century. If you want something life changing, look elsewhere. This is a waste of time and money.



Great book


Changed my lifr

Once you truly accept and understand The Secret, it will work wonders for your life.

Pappa - D

The Secret

I read this book and help me in life changes and it’s hard to explain but if think happy thought and use the stuff say and Meditate happy of a positive nature thought and have faith and believe in yourself, and what you want can come true.


Just sugarcoated with empty words

I do not recommend this book, it just repeat the same concept again and again — Asking the universe for what you want, and believe that you will eventually get it, the final step is to wait the universe give you the feedback and you will receive what you want. It’s like telling you to have faith and belief in a supernatural power (In this case, it is Law of Attraction) based on conviction than scientific evidence. The whole book is not logical, just sugarcoated with empty words and stories.


You Guys Are Idiots

For the people that keep saying that this book is dumb because it’s not true that if you imagine a good life you’ll have a good life , y’all sound dumb as hell and illiterate...this book teaches you about manifestation, learn what that is and then state a opinion...


Changed my life

Try it. It really works!


Great book !

Helps in developing a positive outlook on life.

blonde life is the best life

Best book ever

Literally the best book I have ever read. When you read it you’ll understand that it all makes sense to living your best life possible.



Should have read this long ago. Inspiring, daily changes happening, my entire persona has changed!! Believe and you will achieve. Be loving, grateful, and the master of your own Universe. Can’t wait to watch the movie!


This book changed everything

This book was the first book I read that made me look at my life in a whole different way when I was depressed and thought I could never live a happy life. This book changed everything.


Great book

Met the high expectations, and was well worth it. Great read.


Naysayers heads up

The point of the book is simple, what you think, believe, and embrace come back to you, be it good or bad. Those of you who trash the book missed the point. Being positive in the face of adversity will turn things around. Hard work sure, but hard believing in that work matters.


Thank You

My name is Gregory Allen and this is one if not the best book I’ve ever read! Thank you..


Life changer

This has been something I have live by without knowing. But if I work at what I naturally know then I become that star! Thank you!! I am a example and a reason.



Nhbbb bh

Yesenia Macias

The Secret

this book has alot of truth but its still doesnt get it to the point of freedom the biggest conquest in people is freedom to spend freedom to love n peace but you make your own happiness the universe to give you anything in less you seek seek and you will find knock and the door shallow be open if you say your gonna be rich but no actions are done nothing will happen yes if you push out bad thought you will have a better life but you have put effort for your life to change life is what you make it homie if you sow bad things you get bad things but sometimes things happen for a reason bigger than anything just change your life one good decision at a time you want to be debt free knock one credit card and debt at a time before you know it you will be debt free



Sooooo good

Hussein kassir

Great book

It really helps!!


Fantastic reminders

Love love love! I am grateful!

❤️'n the new me!

Change your thoughts, Change your life!



Wonderful and inspiring

I have read this book twice and I always come back to it for a refresher! It's a wonderful read and very inspiring



Life changing material!


Life changing

This book introduced me to law of attraction which has made my life so much better. Our thoughts are incredibly powerful, more than we realize.

Charles Varga

Book content

It is a tad bit confusing at first until you do some follow-up research. Turns out that a lot of this stuff is used in hypnosis, which can actually bring some change on a subconscious level if you practice it regularly. The book does contain useful information; it just does a bad job of delivering it coherently.



this book is life changing. must-read. great intro to the law of attraction and really helped me understand what it is about. by applying what i learned in the book i have seen my own life improve drastically.


A Must Read

Very powerful book! It works!!


Great book



Great Book

The Best Book I've Read!

No tthanks

Thank you. I believe I will.

It all makes sense.


The Secret

Best book ever!

James Roellig

Life changing.

This book is simply life changing. I've used the secret without even knowing its full effects from books I've read before but reading THIS book puts it all together. I am now unstoppable and life is whatI chose it to be!


Great book to change your life!

This book can change your life if you believe. It has mine and many others whom I know personally. Thank you for this! It's been such a blessing.

Goldstar CD

Love it

I just love it!!!



It is such an inspirational book, regardless of all negative opinions if you're looking to live a more positive life, soak up the knowledge in this book. It's one's perception ! I want to be happier and positive and this book has helped me accomplish my goals and dreams. Call it wishful thinking , but I call it the Law of attraction !


Changed my life

Absolutely great book changed my life



Has a very positive impact. Highly recommended for everyone. Especially teens



Just excellent

Lue Ozuna

Great book!

This book really opened my eyes and woke me up from a deep sleep that I was in. Letting life be dictated to me. Now that I know the Law of Attraction Iv been visualizing and feeling the things I want in my life. Putting myself in that frequency. I recommend this book to anyone who may be going thru a hard time and really try to understate secret


Best book ever!

I feel bad for all the "in the box thinkers" who are bashing this book. This book has helped change my family, friends and my life for the better. I can't tell you how many times I've attracted great things from thinking positive. So to all you nay-Sayers, take your negativity somewhere else. I've read the entire series and believe 100% in this book. Great read!

Letoltes The Secret By Rhonda Byrne Pdf Ebook

Genre : Spirituality ,Books ,Health & Well-Being ,Self Help

The worldwide bestselling phenomenon that has helped millions tap the power of the law that governs all our lives to create—intentionally and effortlessly—a joyful life.

In 2006, a groundbreaking feature-length film revealed the great mystery of the universe—The Secret—and, later that year, Rhonda Byrne followed with a book that became a worldwide bestseller.

Fragments of a Great Secret have been found in the oral traditions, in literature, in religions, and philosophies throughout the centuries. For the first time, all the pieces of The Secret come together in an incredible revelation that will be life-transforming for all who experience it.

In this book, you’ll learn how to use The Secret in every aspect of your life—money, health, relationships, happiness, and in every interaction you have in the world. You’ll begin to understand the hidden, untapped power that’s within you, and this revelation can bring joy to every aspect of your life.

The Secret contains wisdom from modern-day teachers—men and women who have used it to achieve health, wealth, and happiness. By applying the knowledge of The Secret, they bring to light compelling stories of eradicating disease, acquiring massive wealth, overcoming obstacles, and achieving what many would regard as impossible.




πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒI love the book, there’s so much I know now about the power within me, and the universe πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°


This book is life changing!

Ever since reading ‘The Secret’, I do my best to apply what I’ve learned to my every day life. I noticed huge change within my thoughts, feelings, and actions. My overall energy is attracting new frequencies to serve this new version of myself! I am a powerful being and my potential is unlimited.




Randy Delvon DINKINS

How to secret gave me positive energy

I’ve read this book so many times in the past and coming back to it only helps me gain understanding of how to manifest positive formation my existence.


The Secret

So uplifting and so powerful.


This book has changed my life!!

I am so grateful to have found this book in my life. It has changed my life. Can’t wait to learn more about the SECRET.


Amazing book

This book has really opened my eyes to the possibilities πŸ˜ƒ


Best book I ever read!

Best book I ever read , it actually changes lives including mine


Life changing

Empowering must read for every soul.



Changed my life!!! That’s all I can say.😭😭❤️❤️πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌ


Repackage Alger Myth

If a positive mindset/outlook is all it takes to have a “good” life, then there would be no poverty or starvation, racism or sexism. If positivity makes positive things happen, that would also mean negative people would have “bad” lives. They don’t. This is totally bogus and just one more way to blame people who are poor, disabled, or disadvantaged in anyway for their lot in life. If this changed your life, you need to get a life. This isn’t science. This isn’t new. This isn’t profound. This is nothing more than the Alger Myth repackaged from the late 19th century. If you want something life changing, look elsewhere. This is a waste of time and money.



Great book


Changed my lifr

Once you truly accept and understand The Secret, it will work wonders for your life.

Pappa - D

The Secret

I read this book and help me in life changes and it’s hard to explain but if think happy thought and use the stuff say and Meditate happy of a positive nature thought and have faith and believe in yourself, and what you want can come true.


Just sugarcoated with empty words

I do not recommend this book, it just repeat the same concept again and again — Asking the universe for what you want, and believe that you will eventually get it, the final step is to wait the universe give you the feedback and you will receive what you want. It’s like telling you to have faith and belief in a supernatural power (In this case, it is Law of Attraction) based on conviction than scientific evidence. The whole book is not logical, just sugarcoated with empty words and stories.


You Guys Are Idiots

For the people that keep saying that this book is dumb because it’s not true that if you imagine a good life you’ll have a good life , y’all sound dumb as hell and illiterate...this book teaches you about manifestation, learn what that is and then state a opinion...


Changed my life

Try it. It really works!


Great book !

Helps in developing a positive outlook on life.

blonde life is the best life

Best book ever

Literally the best book I have ever read. When you read it you’ll understand that it all makes sense to living your best life possible.



Should have read this long ago. Inspiring, daily changes happening, my entire persona has changed!! Believe and you will achieve. Be loving, grateful, and the master of your own Universe. Can’t wait to watch the movie!


This book changed everything

This book was the first book I read that made me look at my life in a whole different way when I was depressed and thought I could never live a happy life. This book changed everything.


Great book

Met the high expectations, and was well worth it. Great read.


Naysayers heads up

The point of the book is simple, what you think, believe, and embrace come back to you, be it good or bad. Those of you who trash the book missed the point. Being positive in the face of adversity will turn things around. Hard work sure, but hard believing in that work matters.


Thank You

My name is Gregory Allen and this is one if not the best book I’ve ever read! Thank you..


Life changer

This has been something I have live by without knowing. But if I work at what I naturally know then I become that star! Thank you!! I am a example and a reason.



Nhbbb bh

Yesenia Macias

The Secret

this book has alot of truth but its still doesnt get it to the point of freedom the biggest conquest in people is freedom to spend freedom to love n peace but you make your own happiness the universe to give you anything in less you seek seek and you will find knock and the door shallow be open if you say your gonna be rich but no actions are done nothing will happen yes if you push out bad thought you will have a better life but you have put effort for your life to change life is what you make it homie if you sow bad things you get bad things but sometimes things happen for a reason bigger than anything just change your life one good decision at a time you want to be debt free knock one credit card and debt at a time before you know it you will be debt free



Sooooo good

Hussein kassir

Great book

It really helps!!


Fantastic reminders

Love love love! I am grateful!

❤️'n the new me!

Change your thoughts, Change your life!



Wonderful and inspiring

I have read this book twice and I always come back to it for a refresher! It's a wonderful read and very inspiring



Life changing material!


Life changing

This book introduced me to law of attraction which has made my life so much better. Our thoughts are incredibly powerful, more than we realize.

Charles Varga

Book content

It is a tad bit confusing at first until you do some follow-up research. Turns out that a lot of this stuff is used in hypnosis, which can actually bring some change on a subconscious level if you practice it regularly. The book does contain useful information; it just does a bad job of delivering it coherently.



this book is life changing. must-read. great intro to the law of attraction and really helped me understand what it is about. by applying what i learned in the book i have seen my own life improve drastically.


A Must Read

Very powerful book! It works!!


Great book



Great Book

The Best Book I've Read!

No tthanks

Thank you. I believe I will.

It all makes sense.


The Secret

Best book ever!

James Roellig

Life changing.

This book is simply life changing. I've used the secret without even knowing its full effects from books I've read before but reading THIS book puts it all together. I am now unstoppable and life is whatI chose it to be!


Great book to change your life!

This book can change your life if you believe. It has mine and many others whom I know personally. Thank you for this! It's been such a blessing.

Goldstar CD

Love it

I just love it!!!



It is such an inspirational book, regardless of all negative opinions if you're looking to live a more positive life, soak up the knowledge in this book. It's one's perception ! I want to be happier and positive and this book has helped me accomplish my goals and dreams. Call it wishful thinking , but I call it the Law of attraction !


Changed my life

Absolutely great book changed my life



Has a very positive impact. Highly recommended for everyone. Especially teens



Just excellent

Lue Ozuna

Great book!

This book really opened my eyes and woke me up from a deep sleep that I was in. Letting life be dictated to me. Now that I know the Law of Attraction Iv been visualizing and feeling the things I want in my life. Putting myself in that frequency. I recommend this book to anyone who may be going thru a hard time and really try to understate secret


Best book ever!

I feel bad for all the "in the box thinkers" who are bashing this book. This book has helped change my family, friends and my life for the better. I can't tell you how many times I've attracted great things from thinking positive. So to all you nay-Sayers, take your negativity somewhere else. I've read the entire series and believe 100% in this book. Great read!

Letoltes The Secret By Rhonda Byrne Pdf Ebook

Genre : Spirituality ,Books ,Health & Well-Being ,Self Help

The worldwide bestselling phenomenon that has helped millions tap the power of the law that governs all our lives to create—intentionally and effortlessly—a joyful life.

In 2006, a groundbreaking feature-length film revealed the great mystery of the universe—The Secret—and, later that year, Rhonda Byrne followed with a book that became a worldwide bestseller.

Fragments of a Great Secret have been found in the oral traditions, in literature, in religions, and philosophies throughout the centuries. For the first time, all the pieces of The Secret come together in an incredible revelation that will be life-transforming for all who experience it.

In this book, you’ll learn how to use The Secret in every aspect of your life—money, health, relationships, happiness, and in every interaction you have in the world. You’ll begin to understand the hidden, untapped power that’s within you, and this revelation can bring joy to every aspect of your life.

The Secret contains wisdom from modern-day teachers—men and women who have used it to achieve health, wealth, and happiness. By applying the knowledge of The Secret, they bring to light compelling stories of eradicating disease, acquiring massive wealth, overcoming obstacles, and achieving what many would regard as impossible.




πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒI love the book, there’s so much I know now about the power within me, and the universe πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°


This book is life changing!

Ever since reading ‘The Secret’, I do my best to apply what I’ve learned to my every day life. I noticed huge change within my thoughts, feelings, and actions. My overall energy is attracting new frequencies to serve this new version of myself! I am a powerful being and my potential is unlimited.




Randy Delvon DINKINS

How to secret gave me positive energy

I’ve read this book so many times in the past and coming back to it only helps me gain understanding of how to manifest positive formation my existence.


The Secret

So uplifting and so powerful.


This book has changed my life!!

I am so grateful to have found this book in my life. It has changed my life. Can’t wait to learn more about the SECRET.


Amazing book

This book has really opened my eyes to the possibilities πŸ˜ƒ


Best book I ever read!

Best book I ever read , it actually changes lives including mine


Life changing

Empowering must read for every soul.



Changed my life!!! That’s all I can say.😭😭❤️❤️πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌ


Repackage Alger Myth

If a positive mindset/outlook is all it takes to have a “good” life, then there would be no poverty or starvation, racism or sexism. If positivity makes positive things happen, that would also mean negative people would have “bad” lives. They don’t. This is totally bogus and just one more way to blame people who are poor, disabled, or disadvantaged in anyway for their lot in life. If this changed your life, you need to get a life. This isn’t science. This isn’t new. This isn’t profound. This is nothing more than the Alger Myth repackaged from the late 19th century. If you want something life changing, look elsewhere. This is a waste of time and money.



Great book


Changed my lifr

Once you truly accept and understand The Secret, it will work wonders for your life.

Pappa - D

The Secret

I read this book and help me in life changes and it’s hard to explain but if think happy thought and use the stuff say and Meditate happy of a positive nature thought and have faith and believe in yourself, and what you want can come true.


Just sugarcoated with empty words

I do not recommend this book, it just repeat the same concept again and again — Asking the universe for what you want, and believe that you will eventually get it, the final step is to wait the universe give you the feedback and you will receive what you want. It’s like telling you to have faith and belief in a supernatural power (In this case, it is Law of Attraction) based on conviction than scientific evidence. The whole book is not logical, just sugarcoated with empty words and stories.


You Guys Are Idiots

For the people that keep saying that this book is dumb because it’s not true that if you imagine a good life you’ll have a good life , y’all sound dumb as hell and illiterate...this book teaches you about manifestation, learn what that is and then state a opinion...


Changed my life

Try it. It really works!


Great book !

Helps in developing a positive outlook on life.

blonde life is the best life

Best book ever

Literally the best book I have ever read. When you read it you’ll understand that it all makes sense to living your best life possible.



Should have read this long ago. Inspiring, daily changes happening, my entire persona has changed!! Believe and you will achieve. Be loving, grateful, and the master of your own Universe. Can’t wait to watch the movie!


This book changed everything

This book was the first book I read that made me look at my life in a whole different way when I was depressed and thought I could never live a happy life. This book changed everything.


Great book

Met the high expectations, and was well worth it. Great read.


Naysayers heads up

The point of the book is simple, what you think, believe, and embrace come back to you, be it good or bad. Those of you who trash the book missed the point. Being positive in the face of adversity will turn things around. Hard work sure, but hard believing in that work matters.


Thank You

My name is Gregory Allen and this is one if not the best book I’ve ever read! Thank you..


Life changer

This has been something I have live by without knowing. But if I work at what I naturally know then I become that star! Thank you!! I am a example and a reason.



Nhbbb bh

Yesenia Macias

The Secret

this book has alot of truth but its still doesnt get it to the point of freedom the biggest conquest in people is freedom to spend freedom to love n peace but you make your own happiness the universe to give you anything in less you seek seek and you will find knock and the door shallow be open if you say your gonna be rich but no actions are done nothing will happen yes if you push out bad thought you will have a better life but you have put effort for your life to change life is what you make it homie if you sow bad things you get bad things but sometimes things happen for a reason bigger than anything just change your life one good decision at a time you want to be debt free knock one credit card and debt at a time before you know it you will be debt free



Sooooo good

Hussein kassir

Great book

It really helps!!


Fantastic reminders

Love love love! I am grateful!

❤️'n the new me!

Change your thoughts, Change your life!



Wonderful and inspiring

I have read this book twice and I always come back to it for a refresher! It's a wonderful read and very inspiring



Life changing material!


Life changing

This book introduced me to law of attraction which has made my life so much better. Our thoughts are incredibly powerful, more than we realize.

Charles Varga

Book content

It is a tad bit confusing at first until you do some follow-up research. Turns out that a lot of this stuff is used in hypnosis, which can actually bring some change on a subconscious level if you practice it regularly. The book does contain useful information; it just does a bad job of delivering it coherently.



this book is life changing. must-read. great intro to the law of attraction and really helped me understand what it is about. by applying what i learned in the book i have seen my own life improve drastically.


A Must Read

Very powerful book! It works!!


Great book



Great Book

The Best Book I've Read!

No tthanks

Thank you. I believe I will.

It all makes sense.


The Secret

Best book ever!

James Roellig

Life changing.

This book is simply life changing. I've used the secret without even knowing its full effects from books I've read before but reading THIS book puts it all together. I am now unstoppable and life is whatI chose it to be!


Great book to change your life!

This book can change your life if you believe. It has mine and many others whom I know personally. Thank you for this! It's been such a blessing.

Goldstar CD

Love it

I just love it!!!



It is such an inspirational book, regardless of all negative opinions if you're looking to live a more positive life, soak up the knowledge in this book. It's one's perception ! I want to be happier and positive and this book has helped me accomplish my goals and dreams. Call it wishful thinking , but I call it the Law of attraction !


Changed my life

Absolutely great book changed my life



Has a very positive impact. Highly recommended for everyone. Especially teens



Just excellent

Lue Ozuna

Great book!

This book really opened my eyes and woke me up from a deep sleep that I was in. Letting life be dictated to me. Now that I know the Law of Attraction Iv been visualizing and feeling the things I want in my life. Putting myself in that frequency. I recommend this book to anyone who may be going thru a hard time and really try to understate secret


Best book ever!

I feel bad for all the "in the box thinkers" who are bashing this book. This book has helped change my family, friends and my life for the better. I can't tell you how many times I've attracted great things from thinking positive. So to all you nay-Sayers, take your negativity somewhere else. I've read the entire series and believe 100% in this book. Great read!


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